Saturday, March 15, 2008

Four Things

Well, Friends, I've not been blogging as much as I would like... things with work and with church have been sapping my energy lately and though I have flashes of blogging brilliance while riding the subway or walking to work, the flashes stay at the periphery, and I'm not able to develop them into fully formed posts. BUT, Spring Break is here for us, and it's two full weeks of a less stressful schedule. I'm looking forward to grabbing hold of some of those half-formed blogs and building them into something worthy of a post.

In the meantime, Diane recently tagged me with Four Things.

1. Four Jobs I have had in my life:
-Hair sweeper upper at BoRics
-Hospice home care worker
-Country line dancing waitress at Lonestar Steakhouse
-Graphic designer(ish) at a funeral supply company

2. Four Movies I would watch/have watched over and over:
-Sense and Sensibility
-The Sound of Music
-Lord of the Rings trilogy
-High School Musical and High School Musical 2 (watched multiple times because my kids have it on at least once a day)

3. Four Places I have lived:
-Caledonia, MI
-Anderson, IN (shout out to High Street)
-Valparaiso, IN
-New York, NY

4. Four TV Shows that I watch:
-The Office
-American Idol (rock on, David Cook)
-How I Met Your Mother

5. Four Places I have visited:
-South Korea
-San Francisco

6. Four People who email me regularly
-Anne Marie
-Fresh Direct communications department

7. Four Favorite Foods
-Chipotle burritos
-Chocolate chip cookie...dough
-Chicken Korma

8. Four Places I would like to be right now:
-Having brunch on a sunny sidewalk cafe
-San Diego
-Anywhere in the Caribbean with a margarita in my hand (never mind that it's 8:37 am)
-Napa Valley

9. Four Things I am looking forward to this year:
-Seeing City Fellowship Church unfold
-Celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary
-Summer on the Battery Park City Esplanade
-Being more healthy

10. Four People who should post Four Things:


Be the Good said...


holly said...

long live High Street!!

Anonymous said...

Really? You worked at Lone Star? Something about that makes me chuckle.

Ava Ligh said...

I've noticed that 2 places you want to be involve alcohol (Caribbean and Nappa Valley). Or maybe all 4? Mimosa at brunch and beer in San Diego? Care to join me for an O'Doul's?

I've missed reading your blog. It's good to be back in NY.