Friday, December 21, 2007

We're Watching Mary Poppins, Instead

Jonathan is refusing to watch Jim Carrey in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

"I'm afraid of his long wiggly fingers--that he'll use them to steal our holiday."

I can see his point a bit, can't you?

Those are some long wiggly fingers.


Lorraine said...

I'm with Jonathan. Not a fan of the Carrey in any regard but certainly not at Christmas. You go on with your bad, intuitive self, Jonathan.

Merry Christmas, Dana!

Anonymous said...

i completely disagree. lily and i watched The Grinch in three installments Dec 24-26 (30 mins each night) and I loved it! He was so hilarious! My favorite line was "At 6 p.m. I have dinner with myself scheduled. I CAN'T cancel that again." -Pete